12 Week Post-Mastectomy Breast Cancer Recovery Series
The Limit is very proud to offer The 12 Week Post Mastectomy Recovery Series On Demand. The series was developed by The Limit’s Founder, Beth Nicely, in collaboration with Dr. Dani Luna.
The series is designed to start as soon as 3 to 7 days post surgery and continues through 12 weeks of exercises that focus on important elements such as increasing blood flow to critical areas, regaining mobility, range of motion, and strength into the body with specialized attention and care to the vast differences in surgery experience (including post surgical drains, mono or double mastectomy, reconstructive elements, implant placement, and more).
The program is built to work for everyone, no matter their fitness level prior to surgery. The rehabilitation process can be quite scary to navigate alone and there is practically no guidance available beyond the 6 week post surgery mark. Beth provides adaptions and progressions within each work out so all exercises can be tailored to individual needs.
Anyone and everyone that is in need will have access to The Post Mastectomy Recovery Series via On Demand for free.
Beth would like to thank special guests Dr. Dani Luna (Physical Therapy), Dr. Jaime Knopman, Margot Grinberg, Suzette Simon (Comedian and Breast Cancer Advocate), Erin Monteleone, and Sheeva Talenian for participating in the series and sharing their stories.
Please share this resource with your friends and family, near and far.
Beth and The Limit
*(Click “monthly” and use code SURVIVOR)
*Make sure you have permission from your physician prior to physical activity